First public workshop: “Tackling privacy challenges in software engineering - An SME perspective”
Practical Information
Date: Tuesday 21 January 2020Location: NautaDutilh, Terhulpensesteenweg 120, 1000 BRUSSEL
- 13.30 – 14.00: Registration and coffee
- 14.00 – 14.10: Welcome (slides)
(Vincent Naessens – DistriNet@Gent)
- 14.10 – 14.45: Keynote 1: Trust and Engineering. The keys for data privacy. (slides)
(Francisco Maia – INESC TEC Porto)
- 14.45 – 15.20: Keynote 2: Action plan of the Belgian Data Protection Authority for SMEs. (slides)
(Peneva Pavlina - GBA)
- 15.20 – 15.40: Advanced cryptography for privacy protection – Cases from the government field. (slides)
(Kristof Verslype - SMALS)
- 15.40 – 16.10: Coffee break
- 16.10 – 16.30: Dataset de-identification: perspectives and challenges (slides)
Want to experiment with an anonymization tool? Try our hands-on tutorial!
(Michiel Willocx – DistriNet@Gent)
- 16.30 – 16.50: Towards GDPR compliance: A practical casus (slides)
(Brahim Benichou – CiTiP)
- 16.50 – 17.10: Aligning data protection by design with software engineering (slides)
(Kim Wuyts – DistriNet)
- 17.10 – 18.30: Networking drink
Francisco Maia - In a world where data has become a critical component of every service or application we are witnessing a technological struggle for the design of secure and private data management solutions. At SafeCloud Technologies we have been working on technology that is private-by-design and address the different compromises between convenience and security. In this talk, we discuss these compromises and show how trust is actually a fundamental piece in system design.
Kristof Verslype - Government institutions inevitably process large amounts of - sometimes very sensitive - personal data as part of their mission. This must be done in an efficient and safe manner. Traditional approaches, including the use of classical cryptography, unfortunately de not always result in elegant solutions. This talk shows how advanced cryptographic building blocks can be used in real-world scenarios in the government field in order to take the protection of personal data ta a new level.